Their life - your hands
Their life - your hands
Your support and contributions will enable us to purchase and install more AEDs. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
You can scroll and zoom into the map to see more or less detail and you can click on a heart symbol to see an image and details of the AED and it's location.
Our small team of volunteers raise funds to place Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) into public places. We work along side some very generous, public-spirited members of the public and organisations who donate money to us in many ways to help us achieve our mission. Members of the team also visit the community and teach CPR and the use of AEDs, so that everyone can save lives.
We started out in 2016, simply to provide publicly accessible AEDs, available 24 hours per day, every day, so that lives can be saved when Sudden Cardiac Arrest strikes. We continue to raise funds and raise awareness of AEDs so that they become more accessible to everyone. We are a registered charity (No 1171365) and raise funds to place more defibrillators into the community and maintain them.
Seconds count when a cardiac arrest occurs and our mission is to make AEDs publicly available around Tamworth and train people to use them confidently. We also maintain the devices by checking them monthly and replacing the electrodes and batteries when required. We also teach CPR and familiarise the public in using defibrillators as part of our mission.