The adverts tell you to 'Press Hard & Fast'. Why? This video demonstrates the importance of compressing the chest fully and allow it to decompress and return to its relaxed state. Also the importance of the right speed of compression is demonstrated. Check out this great video!
We are often asked if there is a difference between a heart attack and a cardiac arrest. Often people confuse the two thinking they're the same. A Heart Attack is a 'plumbing problem' - a Cardiac Arrest is an 'electrical problem'. This great video explains the difference in simple terms.
Its natural for us to be anxious about using something that we are not familiar with - especially if it delivers an electrical shock! Relax! You can't do any harm to the victim. Really safe and easy to use, an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) will only deliver a shock once IT determines that it is necessary. It will NOT shock someone that does not need to be. Watch the video for a 1-2-3 demonstration.
This great video shows you how to assess the scene and then check a casualty's response levels and then perform CPR. Please note that during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was advised that we do not check for breathing by the 'Look, Listen, Feel' approach. If the person does not appear to be breathing normally and is unconscious, start CPR. You may wish to cover the victims face with a cloth for additional safety to you. Do NOT perform mouth to mouth resuscitation unless the victim is a child.